What It Takes to Harness the Potential of Hybrid Cloud

For an energy facility that serves tens of millions, a high magnitude earthquake or strong flood can trigger a catastrophic power failure with rippling consequences. The estimated loss for just an hour of downtime can rack up losses of up to millions of dollars. Critically, beyond the monetary loss, any momentary disruption, no matter how brief, has the potential to generate chaos for families, hospitals, manufacturing facilities and more.

Imagine this: a surgeon operating on a patient requires the full might of all facilities powered by electricity at all times – even a split-second’s worth of blackout or power failure can prove disastrous or result in fatal consequences.

To address issues like downtime and ensure business continuity, companies, especially those operating large, integrated systems such as power facilities, must rely on hybrid cloud for the proper support. Basing technology infrastructure on purely on-premises or public cloud-only approaches is no longer sufficient.

Hybrid cloud effectively integrates and connects private cloud data centers, the edge, with public cloud resources around the world. It’s an agile, scalable, accessible, and cost-efficient solution that provides businesses with a platform to accelerate innovation, go to market faster, and propel them in their digital transformation journeys.

To fully harness the potential of the hybrid cloud, businesses must prioritize the following key qualities in building their cloud infrastructure.

Flexible infrastructure helps systems quickly adapt to change, like reducing switching time from 45 minutes to 10

A large energy production company was suffering from a lack of application optimization and a lag in disaster recovery time. Any significant lag or natural disaster posed a threat to business continuity and system reliability. To protect against this issue, a system run through the hybrid cloud must reflect the flexibility required to serve customer demand, as well as meet business needs with minimal time lost.

Implementing automated management features such as active-active architecture support, which emphasizes flexibility helped increase business carrying capacity by 600% for the energy giant, and reduce switching time from 45 minutes to 10 minutes. To tackle crisis specifically, Lenovo Disaster Recovery Management Platform is specially designed to keep operations agile.

In 2021, Lenovo helped a leading global lithium-ion battery companies achieved Level-7 Disaster Recovery solution for their two data centers – highest level of global standard – reducing risks and improving automated system responses without any disruption to business and performance operation.

Scalability supports the growth of a company’s systems at any stage, which can save 20% of resource investment

Confronted with rapid growth, a multinational beverage and brewing company was struggling with higher requirements on public cloud resources. Having to manage multiple parts of the business on different cloud servers added unnecessary complexity in subscription billing. Instead of spending time and resources on its core businesses, managing multiple vendors and payment methods took its toll.

Resource allocation infrastructure such as Lenovo Multi-cloud Management Platform (CMP) is designed to support online settlement for contracts signed offline. It automatically generates reports and makes data-driven suggestions on how users can best allocate resources, which can save customers up to one-fifth of their investment in resources, leveraging the latest AI technologies. The process also saves time: reducing monthly billing processes that took days to mere minutes.

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Optimizing systems for efficiency can help business meet sustainability goals and save millions in downtime costs

Lenovo’s solution offerings can also help client future-proof their businesses. As businesses grow, surge in IT needs can put undue pressure on infrastructure. A single hour of downtime, for instance, can open the doors to massive monetary losses. The costs of lagging efficiency are not just financial, they also cripple businesses’ ability to reduce energy consumption, meet their ESG goals and become more sustainable.

Utilizing Lenovo Artificial Intelligent Operation Platform (AIOps) helped fast-growing companies operate a more tightly integrated and automated system, reducing the investment of human resources by over 40% and reducing production system pressure.

Find out more information about Lenovo hybrid cloud products here.


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