A look behind the lens of a travel vlogger

Aakash Malhotra, Travel Vlogger and Lenovo Innovator

Growing up, I experienced firsthand the power of perseverance and determination. I come from a very small town in Himachal Pradesh, India, which provided me with a strong sense of humility and gratitude for what life has to offer. It was a dream to become a renowned travel creator, but something that seemed out of reach. However, by facing the hurdles life threw at me, I was able to overcome every obstacle along the way. From an early age, I learned that I have a passion to travel, partnered with an immense drive to do whatever it takes to make my dreams a reality.

Aakash Malhotra

Diving Into the Unknown

Embarking on a non-traditional career path like travel vlogging comes with its own set of challenges. From the beginning, I had to find a way to stand out in a crowded industry and carve a niche spot for myself. I feel as though my authenticity and pure passion for the world is what sets me apart from others in this field. I don’t chase views, likes or engagements; instead, I showcase my raw travel experiences through my social platforms. I believe this approach better resonates with my audience, because I’m true to myself and prioritize creating genuine connections instead of putting up a façade of what I think others want to see.

During my pursuit for a career in travel, there were many times I had to break through my mental limitations. For instance, becoming a skydiver was one of the most challenging endeavors I’ve ever undertaken. The act of skydiving requires immense courage and a mindset that goes beyond the ordinary. I had to push myself to overcome these fears and embrace the extreme sport if I wanted to feel truly confident in my adventurous field of work. However, through years of dedication and training, I was able to achieve this incredible feat and now skydive on a frequent basis.

Aakash Malhotra, Lenovo Innovator

The Importance of Prioritizing Eco-Tourism

Throughout my journey, I’ve continuously found motivation through my passion to inspire others and give my younger followers someone to look up to – to be the person I would have benefitted from at their age. I believe in the power of responsible traveling, and make it a priority to promote sustainable practices across my platforms. Through my channels, I have the opportunity to educate my audience about the realities of tourism and encourage actions that minimize their impact on the environment. Recently, I visited Spiti Trash Hill and was shocked at the reminisce left behind from tourists visiting the Himalayas. I take it upon myself to raises awareness about responsible travel and share tips on reducing our negative impact on the world.

Aakash Malhotra, Lenovo Innovator

The Role of Tech With Traveling

Technology has played a crucial role in my career growth. The rise of social media and digital platforms has provided me with a platform to share my adventures with a global audience. It has allowed me to connect with fellow travel enthusiasts, expand my network to collaborate with brands and tourism boards, and showcase visually appealing content that shares a deeper meaning.

But the technology just doesn’t stop at capturing content, truthfully, it’s where it begins. After being in the field, comes editing, processing, and diving into the data to bring out the best stories. My Lenovo Legion 7i has been the medium I use to create and engage creative stories. These products provide me and my team with the confidence to travel and work from anywhere due to the flexible and durable design.

Aakash working on Legion

For those aspiring to become travelers and vloggers,  it’s important to have a defined purpose and a clear understanding of their personal mission. There is a difference between “Travelling to create” versus “Creating because of traveling”. This distinction is crucial because the travel industry demands dedication, long periods away from home, and continuous exploration. A genuine love for travel is essential to sustain the journey.

Aakash Malhotra, Lenovo Innovator

To view the world through my eyes, or to keep up with my #LenovoInnovators journey, follow me on Instagram @wanderwithsky


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