Infographic on Lenovo’s Q3 results for FY 2021/22, with historic highs for both profit and revenue, which topped $US20 billion for the first time.
Computer programmer and Lenovo Innovator Kati Dietzsch shares her insights and advice on things to consider when choosing your next device.
From veterinary medicine to education to robots cooking, hear from our Lenovo Innovators on how tech will transform our lives in 2022 & beyond.
From the oceans of Hawaii to veterinary clinics in Paris to the highways of India – hear how technology has impacted the everyday realities of our #LenovoInnovators.
How does India’s first female Motovlogger motivate other women to join (and crush!) male-dominated fields while taking their gaming to the next level?
Lenovo Innovator Roxy Furman shares her journey of becoming a wildlife filmmaker and the role technology plays in her editing and production process.
Author, entrepreneur, and activist, Jeremiah Emmanuel, shares his journey and how he uses smarter technology to impact his community.
See how Lenovo Innovator and veterinarian, Dr. Hawawini, uses smarter technology in his clinical practices and as a way to raise awareness of endangered species.
Infographic on Lenovo’s second quarter results for fiscal year 2021/22, with historic highs for both profit and revenue.
Chef and animal activist, Ivan Di Simoni, shares his journey into veganism and how technology is enabling his vegan lifestyle and animal rights.