STEM at home: Tiny Dancer

We’re dropping mad science and sick dance moves on this episode of STEM At Home. So, get ready to learn about simple homopolar motors as we build a tiny dancer dance party.

Tiny Dancer: Stuff you need

Step-by-Step Instructions

Tiny Dancer: Step 11. Bend your wire in half to find the middle and squeeze with pliers.


Tiny Dancer: Step 22. Use your pliers to make a “W” shaped bend in middle of wire.


Tiny Dancer: Step 33. Continue to bend your wire in shape of a dancer.


Tiny Dancer: Step 44. Use your pliers to trim excess wire.

Tiny Dancer: Step 55. Create a circle around the bottom.


Tiny Dancer: Step 66. Make sure your dancer shape is balanced.


Tiny Dancer: Step 77. Connect the neodymium magnets to the bottom of your battery.


Tiny Dancer: Step 88. Tape the emoji head onto the top of your wire.


Tiny Dancer: Step 99. Balance wire on center of battery and test your dancer.


Tiny Dancer: Step 1010. Crank the tunes and get your dance party started!

Your instructor: Kevin Beck

Lenovo "Explainer of Things" Kevin Beck

A life-long science geek, Kevin is also the Resident Explainer of Things at Lenovo, which means he breaks down complex technology into simple subjects the rest of us can understand. Kevin currently lives in North Carolina with his wife.

Congratulations on building your tiny dancer! We hope you enjoyed learning about electric motors and electricity, something we think about every day when designing and building our computers. Be sure to share your dancer with #StemAtHome. 


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